No, I don’t mean yoinking these copyrighted photos and using them for your own personal use. (That’s another illegal use altogether.) I mean it’s illegal to capture these images with your camera.
“Gyre” is a sculpture by North Carolina artist Thomas Sayre and stands in the North Carolina Museum of Art’s Museum Park. (Say that ten times really fast.) The park is adjacent to the museum and contains about a dozen pieces of art scattered along the numerous walking trails.
It also closes at sundown.
I found this out the other day as I was setting up to take some more pictures of “Gyre” at twilight. A very polite policeman from the city of Raleigh informed of the park’s closure as he passed in his patrol car, driving along the walking trail to inform the other no-good-doers of their illegal actions.
Needless to say, “Gyre” really shines at twilight and makes a great picture against a blue sky. There are several halogen flood lights that illuminate each ellipse. And when you’re camera’s white balance is set to tungsten, the sky turns a rich blue and the sculpture a saturated orange.
It just goes to show, sometimes you have to break a few rules/laws to get a great picture.

(Pictures are for the North Carolina Travel Guide)
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